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Published Papers
Google Scholar

Wahn, B., Czeszumski, A., & König, P. (2018). Performance similarities predict collective benefits in dyadic and triadic joint visual search. PloS one, 13(1), e0191179.


Czeszumski, A., Ehinger, B. V., Wahn, B., & König, P. (2019). The social situation affects how we process feedback about our actions. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 361.


Czeszumski, A., Eustergerling, S., Lang, A., Menrath, D., Gerstenberger, M., Schuberth, S., ... & König, P. (2020). Hyperscanning: a valid method to study neural inter-brain underpinnings of social interaction. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 14, 39.


Wahn, B., Czeszumski, A., Labusch, M., Kingstone, A., & König, P. (2020). Dyadic and triadic search: benefits, costs, and predictors of group performance. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 82(5), 2415-2433.


Czeszumski, A., Liang, S. H. Y., Dikker, S., König, P., Lee, C. P., Koole, S. L., & Kelsen, B. (2022). Cooperative Behavior Evokes Interbrain Synchrony in the Prefrontal and Temporoparietal Cortex: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of fNIRS Hyperscanning Studies. eNneuro, 9(2).


Czeszumski, A., Gert, A. L., Keshava, A., Ghadirzadeh, A., Kalthoff, T., Ehinger, B. V., ... & König, P. (2021). Coordinating With a Robot Partner Affects Neural Processing Related to Action Monitoring. Frontiers in neurorobotics, 102.


Czeszumski, A., Albers, F., Walter, S., & König, P. (2021). Let Me Make You Happy, and I'll Tell You How You Look Around: Using an Approach-Avoidance Task as an Embodied Emotion Prime in a Free-Viewing Task. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 703.


Pavlov, Y. G., Adamian, N., Appelhoff, S., Arvaneh, M., Benwell, C. S., Beste, C., ... Czeszumski, A., ... & Mushtaq, F. (2021). # EEGManyLabs: Investigating the replicability of influential EEG experiments. Cortex.


Nezami, F. N., Keshava, A., Czeszumski, A., Lukanov, H., Pipa, G., König, P., & De Palol, M. V. (2021). Talking cars, doubtful users-a population study in virtual reality. PsyArXiv


Solzbacher, J., Czeszumski, A., Walter, S., & König, P. (2021). Evidence for the Embodiment of the automatic approach bias. PsyArXiv

Public talks

RTG Situated Cognition Workshop, 1 October 2021, Osnabrück, Germany (The social situation affects how we process feedback about our actions)


Virtual Social Interaction Conference 2021, 30 June - 1 July 2021, online (Coordinating With a Robot Partner Affects Action Monitoring Related Neural Processing)


Developmental Psychology Lab, University of Vienna, 17 November 2020, online (Neural underpinnings of social interactions


Neuromatch 3.0, Online,  26-30 October 2020, online (Hyperscanning: A valid method to study neural underpinnings of social interaction)


NeuroPsychoLinguistics Lab, Université de Genève, 15 June 2020, online (Neural underpinnings of social interactions)


RTG Situated Cognition Workshop, 15 July 2019, Osnabrück, Germany, (The social situation affects how we process feedback about our actions)


Understanding Others: Technical issues related to real-time social interaction phenomena: Focus on study design and data analysis, March 28-29 2019, Münich, Germany (The social situation affects how we process feedback about our actions)


International Interdisciplinary Computational Cognitive Science Spring School, 25-29 March 2019, Freiburg, Germany, (The social situation affects how we process feedback about our actions)


Cognitive Science Arena, 15-16 February 2019, Brixen, Italy, (The social situation affects how we process feedback about our actions) - 2nd prize for the best talk


Social cognition in humans and robots, September 27-28, 2018, Hamburg, Germany, (The social situation affects how we process feedback about our actions)


Understanding Social Cognition 2017, 20-22 October 2017, Lublin, Poland (Does the social situations affect how we process feedback about our actions?)


ESCAN 2021, Online, 23-26 June 2021, (Hyperscanning: A valid method to study neural underpinnings of social interaction)


ENCODS 2021, Online, 4-6 June 2021, (Hyperscanning: A valid method to study neural underpinnings of social interaction)


SANS 2021, Online, 28 April - 1 May, (Hyperscanning: A valid method to study neural underpinnings of social interaction)


Mind Brain Body Symposium, Online, 15-18 March 2021, (Hyperscanning: A valid method to study neural underpinnings of social interaction) - (award for the best poster presentation)


FENS 2020, Online, 11-15 July 2020, (Hyperscanning: A valid method to study neural underpinnings of social interaction) - (received a grant for accommodation and travel that was changed into waived fee)


Computational Cognition 2019, 1-2 October 2019, Osnabrück, Germany (Investigating neural correlates of interparticipant movement synchronization using EEG hyperscanning)


Joint Action Meeting: JAM VIII, 10-13 July 2019, Genoa, Italy, (The social situation affects how we process feedback about our actions)


From self-knowledge to knowing others: Insights from psychological and neuroscientific tools, 16-17 November 2018, Brussels, Belgium, (The social situation affects how we process feedback about our actions)


Gentner Symposium "Understanding Others: From Psychological Concepts to Neural Mechanisms", 7-9 October 2018, Jerusalem, Israel, ( Dynamics of feedback processing in cooperative and competitive situations.) - (Traveling and accommodation grant received)


3rd International Mobile Brain/Body Imaging Conference, 12-14 July 2018, Berlin, Germany, (Dynamics of feedback processing in cooperative and competitive situations.)


2nd Conference of the DFG-Research Training Group Situated Cognition 2018, 22-23 June 2018, Bochum, Germany (Does the social situations affect how we process feedback about our actions?)


MeeTo 2018: from moving bodies to interactive minds 2018, 25-27 May 2018, Turin, Italy (Does the social situations affect how we process feedback about our actions?)


6th MindBrainBody Symposium 2018, 15-16 March 2018, Berlin, Germany (Does the social situations affect how we process feedback about our actions?)


Interdisciplinary College 2018, 9-16 March 2018, Möhnesee-Günne , Germany (Does the social situations affect how we process feedback about our actions?)


2nd Workshop:Agent-Specificities and Relationships in Social Interactions, 15-16 February 2018, Cologne, Germany (Does the social situations affect how we process feedback about our actions?)


Donders Discussion 2017, 26-27 October 2017, Nijmegen, The Netherlands (Does the social situations affect how we process feedback about our actions?)


Joint Action Meeting: JAM VII, 22-26 July 2017, London, United Kingdom (Does the social situations affect how we process feedback about our actions?)


OCCAM/socSMCs 2017, 6-8 July 2017, Osnabrück, Germany (Does the social situations affect how we process feedback about our actions?)


ICMC: International Conference on Multimodal Communication: Developing New Theories and Methods, 9-11 June 2017, Osnabrück, Germany (Does the social situations affect how we process feedback about our actions?)


KogWis 2016: Space for Cognition 13th Biannual Conference of the German Society for Cognitive Science, 26-30 September 2016, Bremen, Germany (Learned knowledge about the co-actor's behavior influences performance in a joint visuomotor task.)

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